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FAQ: Domain transfer

  • Can you do the domain transfer (DNS modification) process when I sign up?
    If your domain is on our servers then necssary changes are free. If your domain resides with a different registar we can do so, however, there will be a $45.00 charge. We recomend you do the DNS changes to the domain yourself, as registrars usually require a personal password to do such things. Your registrars tech support should help you with that for free. Plus, their domain modification methods are all different and there is no way for us to know them all. Please check the registrar's website for more information on how to change your domain's DNS configuration.

    If you want us to take care of it, we'll do everything in our power to help you with it.

  • What must I do to complete the transfer?
    You need to request a "domain transfer authorization key" from your present registar. Once received, send it to us. Lowcountry Hosting will send the transfer request for your domain, you will receive an email describing the requested domain transaction. You do not need to do anything else. once transfered we will set the DNS for our servers for you. There is no charge for the transfer, and you retain all time already paid for.

  • What changes will you do/I need to do to my domain record?
    A few changes are necessary to complete your domain transfer. First, the DNS entries for your domain will be changed to point to Lowcountry Hosting's DNS servers. If transfered to our servers we will setup the DNS servers for you. If you leave your domain with your present registar then set your DNS servers to:


  • Who will handle payment for the domain after the transfer?
    All renewal fees will be paid by Lowcountry Hosting for as long as you stay hosted with us. This means that we might be required to modify the billing information of your domain. This does NOT apply to non-U.S. or non standard domains.

    Note: You must request this service when you sign up for an account. At that time we will transfer your domain over to our registrar and pay for the renewal fees.

  • What about transfers of non-U.S. domains (not .com, .net or .org)?
    There are hundreds of non-U.S. domain extensions, and because of this, Lowcountry Hosting can't handle the transfers of foreign domains. The reason is that the transfer process of each foreign domain organization is usually different, and in different languages too. If you have a foreign domain that you would like to transfer to our servers, read the domain transfer instructions provided by the registrar in charge of that non-U.S. domain. Usually, to transfer a domain, the only changes you need to do are to your domain's DNS entries. Change them to the Lowcountry Hosting's DNS servers mentioned above.

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