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FAQ: What software packages do you recommend?

This is a list of the packages we (or people we know) commonly use to make websites (like the one you are browsing now) or that we know are some of the most popular ones.

  • HTML editors
    HTML editors come in all sizes and flavors. From the most simple to the most industrial strength ones.

    • TextPad
      Definitely the best text editor available for Windows.
    • HomeSite
      A very popular visual editor from the makers of the industry standard ColdFusion, with more users than those using Microsoft's FrontPage.
    • FrontPage
      Microsoft's HTML visual editor. Quite easy to use, but very simple. Can create some security issues.
    • Adobe Dreamweaver
      Highly professional and advanced visual HTML editor, most recomended.
    • NetObjects Fusion
      Another advanced visual editor at equal or better in quality when compared to Dreamweaver.

  • Graphics editors
    What's a good page without good graphics?

    • Adobe Photoshop
      Adobe's Photoshop is THE leading graphics editor used by webmasters all around the world. It's a bit expensive, but if you got the money, get it. You won't regret it. It's what we used to design this web site.
    • CorelDraw
      One of the leading drawing programs used by graphics artists and webdesigners on the net. They also have many other software packages aimed at graphics design for the web.
    • Fractal Design Painter
      Fractal Design Painter is unique in its way of handling effects. The filters are just outstanding. It will really inspire your creativity.
    • Paint Shop Pro
      THE shareware graphics editor on the net. Inexpensive and powerful.
    • The Gimp
      The Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is one of the BEST graphics editors available anywhere (but runs only on Linux), and it is free! In my opinion, as good or better than Adobe's Photoshop itself.

  • Graphics utilities
    Utilities like image catalogs will make your life much easier.

    • ThumbsPlus
      One of the best image cataloging tools available.
    • Spectroscope
      Spectroscope allows you to choose any color you want (or provide RGB values) to obtain its HTML color code.

  • Animated GIF utilities
    Need a quick way to make nice animated GIFs?

  • Email clients
    Of course... you need to access your email...

    • Netscape Communicator
      Netscape includes a full featured email client along with its browser.
    • Outlook Express
      Microsoft's email client included with Internet Explorer and/or Windows.
    • Eudora
      Qualcomm's Eudora Pro is one of the most popular and powerful email clients available.

  • FTP clients
    Required to upload your website to our servers (unless you use FrontPage or other similar programs)
  • Telnet clients
    Required if you wish to manage your account through the UNIX shell.
  • Miscellaneous utilities
    Utilites a web designer can't live without.

    • CoolRuler
      Displays a ruler on your screen to measure screen objects in pixels. Very handy in the layout design process.
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